Friday, December 28, 2007


I see the TROLLS are making the rounds in this journal.


I started this journal because I have lost 4 j-land friends in the last 4 months.

Penny, Barb, Lahoma, and the PINK WARRIOR Kim, Who I knew well.

I made it so other J-landers could let us know how much these people ment to us. I did not start it to have TROLLS lerking in it to post anything negative in it.

I have deleted the negative and blocked him from commenting any more. I hope other J-Landers will post thier memories of J-Landers who are no longer with us.




Anonymous said...

It's a pitty there are a few who have nothing better to do.  I really thing the poor thing needs help and serious meds.  Sorry he hit you too

Anonymous said...

The Devil lurks everywhere and that's another name for a TROLL!!!

They are evil hard hearted people who posses no feelings.
I'm glad you banished this one.
